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Told by My Mother

Ali Chahrour

Copyright information:Christophe RAYNAUD DE LAGE

The dance performance by choreographer Ali Chahrour (Beirut, 1989) is a celebration of mothers, their resilience and struggle. Inspired by his own family history and Lebanese residents’ collective memory, Chahrour explores the drive to overcome loss and loneliness through love and tenderness. 

Chahrour interweaves personal grief with the wider cultural heritage of Arabic folksongs. One of the three main stories in Told by My Mother is that of Ali Chahrour's aunt Fatmeh, who lost her son in Syria in 2015. She kept searching until her death in 2018, but never discovered what happened to him. Chahrour consciously chooses to place amateur performers alongside professional actors, which gives the performance a personal and intimate character. The live music is not only used as a background but plays an active role in the story: musicians and their gestures are also considered a form of dance.

'I want to show the struggle of mothers. To me, they are the real heroines. Their bodies and voices have many powerful traits'

– Ali Chahrour

An explosive combination of movement, live music and text makes for a heartfelt ode to motherly love. Arabic cultural elements fuse with urban sounds in the music, reflecting both the grief and strength of the stories told. 

Told By My Mother highlights the emotional burden mothers carry in their bodies and voices, making for a deeply moving experience.


Tue June 17 8:00 PM

Wed June 18 8:00 PM

Thu June 19 8:00 PM


  • default from € 32
  • CJP/student/scholar € 15


  • Arabic surtitles: English, Dutch

  • 1 hour 10 minutes

  • Lea Skyaem

  • Candy Welz

  • Candy Welz

  • Candy Welz

  • Christophe RAYNAUD DE LAGE

  • Christophe RAYNAUD DE LAGE

  • Christophe RAYNAUD DE LAGE

  • Christophe RAYNAUD DE LAGE


direction Ali Chahrour choreography Ali Chahrour cast Hala Omran, Leïla Chahrour, Abbas Al Mawla, Ali Hout, Abed Kobeissy, Ali Chahrour music Two or The Dragon (Ali Hout & Abed Kobeissy) direction assistant Chadi Aoun choreographic assistant Chadi Aoun production Ali Chahrour production manager Chadi Aoun, Christel Salem stage design Guillaume Tesson, Ali Chahrour light design Guillaume Tesson technical director Guillaume Tesson lighting manager Pol Seif sound engineer Benoit Rave communication Chadi Aoun copywriting Isabelle Aoun co-production Zoukak Theatre Company, Arab Fund for Arts and Culture ”AFAC”, Arab Arts Focus with the support of Stiftelsen, Studio Emad Eddin & Ford Foundation, Campania Teatro Festival, Saadallah & Lubna Khalil Foundation, Kunstfest Weimar, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Mahmoud Darwish Chair/Bozar with support of The French Institute of Beirut, Barzakh, Beit el Laffe, KED, Mezyan, T-Marbouta, Tawlet, Eid Press

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