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Butoh and Japanese Cinema of the 60s

Holland Festival, Eye

The short film program explores the relationship between experimental film and butoh, with central roles for butoh performers such as Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno. Eye programmer Julian Ross provides the introduction.

Gisei (1959) features Hijikata and members of his Asbestos Hall, filmed just months after Hijikata’s first public butoh performance. Director Donald Richie met Hijikata through their mutual friend Yukio Mishima, and together they decided to make a film about segregation.

Wargames (1962) is an avant-garde parable (a symbolic story) about war, in which young boys fight over a goat and kill it on a beach. Both films were made with the involvement of the legendary butoh dancer Tatsumi Hijikata.

Anma (1963) by Takahiko Iimura is a classic example of butoh dance, performed by Tatsumi Hijikata, co-creator Kazuo Ohno, Yoshito Ohno, and Akira Kasai. The film captures the performance of Anma but is also a cine-dance: film and choreography are intertwined. Iimura not only films the dance but also moves with the camera among the dancers, incorporating images of the audience, giving the film a dynamic, experimental character.

Navel and an A-Bomb (1960) by Eikoh Hosoe features Tatsumi Hijikata and his choreography, linking the Japanese body to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The film depicts the ‘birth’ of a new Japanese identity in the aftermath of the atomic catastrophe, Japan’s subsequent defeat, and the occupation. Hosoe met Hijikata a year before making Navel and an A-Bomb.

Tatsumi Hijikata (1968) by Motoharu Jonouchi documents the performance Revolt of the Flesh (Nikutai no hanran) by Ankoku Butoh dancer Tatsumi Hijikata. The film connects this performance to uprisings, employing Jonouchi’s unique methods of cinematography and editing, characteristic of his Gewaltopia series (1968). This series became symbolic of the student protest movement of the time.


Tue June 3 7:15 PM


  • default € 12,50
  • children below 11 y/o € 7,50


  • English

  • 1 hour 15 minutes

  • Please note:

    tickets for Stadspas Groene Stip / Cineville / NFC / KNF / Eye Society Members available at EYE. 


speaker Julian Ross in participation with EYE
  • direction Eikoh Hosoe cast Yoshito Ohno
  • direction Motoharu Jonouchi
  • direction Donald Richie script Donald Richie editing Donald Richie music Donald Richie