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Holland Festival as a learning environment


For over five years, Holland Festival has offered an active and creative education programme for young people, secondary school pupils, students and professionals. Through tailor-made programmes and workshops, they learn more about (expressing themselves through) performing arts, meet international artists, visit performances and reflect on underlying themes. Starting points are deepening, meeting and participating. We see young people as the audience of the future and we will continue to make them receptive to art. Both during the festival (June 2025) and in the months leading up to it.


Are you interested in visiting a performance or entering into an in-depth collaboration with your study programme, school or organisation? please contact our educational programmer Flora Dekkers: [email protected].


We are happy to discuss the possibilities with you!

  • Secondary schools

    Our ambition is to introduce secondary school pupils to great, international productions and artists, and to be inspired by current themes, working methods and innovative forms of expression. Each year, we focus on a number of specific performances, to which we develop in-depth and creative workshops or educational programmes. The pupils quickly get to work themselves, in order to discover what the performance means to them. The Holland Festival offer fits well with subjects such as Art, Drama or CKV. The content of the workshops/lessons is tailor-made and therefore easily adapted to the school's curriculum and wishes.

  • Art schools / HBO / University

    We also create tailor-made programmes for a variety of art schools, colleges and universities. From specific workshops by international artists to overarching research assignments related to the organisation of the festival.

    In collaboration with Dutch conservatoires, Holland Festival programmes an annual production called Exploratorium, in which conservatoire students collaborate with internationally renowned makers and performers.

  • MBO

    Many aspects of organizing a performance festival can be linked to MBO, such as set building, hospitality and engineering. The Holland Festival wants to involve MBO students by giving them more insight into the festival's working method and by getting inspired by the large-scale and diverse productions. We organise various activities that give a glimpse behind the scenes, from guided tours to hands-on assignments. Every year, we also offer inspiring and instructive internships.

    In our new education programme HF Lab, MBO students form the HF Lab Production Team where, apart from the final presentation, they produce videos, podcasts and other content about HF Lab.

  • Youth organisations

    We enjoy partnering with organisations working for vulnerable young people who are not (always) linked to an educational institution. Examples are our collaborations with Toekomst Muziek and Eiwerk. 

Projects 2025

HF Lab
HF Lab is Holland Festival's new education programme, supported by ELJA Foundation a.o., that explores and stimulates young people's love for performing arts. HF Lab offers the possibility for young people to develop their creativity and think about themselves and their place in the world in a new way. Through its international reach, Holland Festival offers them access to new worlds and opens their gaze to others.

-> more info

Projects '23-'24

  • Sisyphe

    In collaboration with theatre collective DeRonde/Deroo we developed four workshop for the Gerrit van der Veen College’s theatre class. The workshop series is a physical discovery in which life’s challenges are visualised. In June the students visited Sisyphe and presented their findings during an improvised final performance at school. 

  • Depois do Silêncio

    Eight alumni of the IMC Weekendschool attended the performance Depois do Silêncio by associate artist Christiane Jatahy. Jatahy explained her performance beforehand in conversation with the IMC Weekendschool alumni. They reflected on the political situation in the Netherlands and Christiane expressed her hope for the young generation. The performance visit was an eye-opener for the alumni. They found it motivating to see how art can provide a platform for underrepresented voices.

  • Crossings

    Inspired by Crossings we developed a diverse programme around the theme ‘home’ for 250 4th and 5th year pupils. The students got an insight into what the Holland Festival is, reflected on the theme through assignments, were given a master class with Discussiëren Kun Je Leren and attended a workshop by spoken word artist Luan Buleshkaj. 

  • Sisyphe

    The Mediacollege visited Sisyphe with 45 first-year Game Design students. Programme manager Jochem Valkenburg gave an introduction before the performance. 

  • Lesbrief Sisyphe

    For the performance Sisyphe by Victor Pilon, we developed teaching materials with three creative assignments that teachers in Cultural and Artistic Education (CKV) or the arts can use to creatively provide context and deepen understanding, both before and after visiting a performance.  


    View the lesson materials here

  • Exploratorium

    This year fifty students from five conservatories in the Netherlands had the chance to work with internationally renowned artists and fully participate in the Holland Festival production 11.000 Saiten. This type of extracurricular activity for broadening horizons will be expanded in the coming years under the title Exploratorium. The term comes from Karlheinz Stockhausen, who felt that conservatories should not train students to conserve old music, but rather encourage exploring new sounds and structures. 

  • HF x CvA

    In collaboration with the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, we developed an in-depth programme consisting of a master class by conductor Bas Wiegers, a visit to the performance Melencolia and the final rehearsal of 11.000 Saiten, meet & greets with composer Georg Friedrich Haas and sound director Norbert Ommer. This project resulted in various spatial compositions that were presented during a concert evening at the Q-Factory.  

  • HF x Toekomst Muziek

    In collaboration with Toekomst Muziek, an empowerment project for young people with a multitude of unresolved issues, we developed a programme for young people from Amsterdam Zuidoost. For three weeks, the young people visited the performances Crossings, Eu não sou eu em mim, Melencolia, Sisyphe and Arthur Verocai, met international artists and got a glimse behind the scenes. 

  • HF x Eiwerk

    In collaboration with Eiwerk, a music centre for people with mental vulnerabilities, we developed a workshop series around the theme of melancholy: what is it, and what does it sound like? Participants visited the performance Melencolia and worked towards their own final concert inspired by the performance.

  • Flash internship JINC

    In collaboration with JINC, we organised a so-called flash internship for 11 second-year pupils of the Calandlyceum. They were given a glimpse of what the Holland Festival is all about and did assignments where they could choose their own associate artist. They were also given a tour through the different Holland Festival departments and the Muziekgebouw. 

  • The Disintegration Loops (2023)

    In cooperation with Gerrit van der Veen College, we developed four workshops for the music and art+ class around The Disintegration Loops, a performance taking place on the square in front of the school. 60 pupils made their own sound recordings around the theme of freedom, and worked with their class towards a collective album.

  • Euphoria (2023)

    For the large-scale film installation Euphoria, we developed a lesson plan (link to pdf) that can be used by art/CKV teachers in the classroom, before or after a visit to a performance. The lesson plan also serves as a starting point for the jointly organised CKV day for 120 pupils of the Hyperion Lyceum.


Are you interested in visiting a performance or entering into an in-depth collaboration with your study programme, school or organisation? Get in touch by sending an email to [email protected] or fill in the contact form.


We are happy to discuss the possibilities with you!