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Takahiko Iimura


Takahiko Iimura (1937 – 2022, Japan) was a Japanese avant-garde filmmaker and fine artist. He was born in Tokyo and was a graduate of Keio University.

Considered to be one of the pioneers of experimental and independent filmmaking in Japan, Iimura began making experimental films in the early sixties, the golden period for underground art worldwide, and was associated with such avant-garde artists as Yoko Ono, Genpei Akasegawa, and Butoh father, Tatsumi Hijikata. He published a seminal work on experimental filmmaking in 1970, Geijutsu to higeijutsu no aida, and a biography of Yoko Ono, Ono Yōko hito to sakuhin, in 1985. Iimura made much of his film in New York City, but became a professor at the Nagoya Zokei University of Art & Design in 1992.


1964 - Special Prize at the Brussels International Independent Film Festival 

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  1. 19:15 hours | film | EYE - Zaal 3
  2. 19:15 hours | film | EYE - Zaal 3