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About Kazuo Ohno

Takao Kawaguchi

Copyright information:Takuya Matsumi

In About Kazuo Ohno, Takao Kawaguchi pays tribute to legendary Japanese butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno. Not by interpreting his style, but by meticulously copying his movements, based on film and photo material. 

'One of the guests will be my best friend from Tokyo, choreographer and dancer Takao Kawaguchi. We share an affinity and love for Kazuo Ohno.'

– Trajal Harrell, associate artist Holland Festival 2025 

Alongside Tatsumi Hijikata, Kazuo Ohno (1906–2010) is considered one of the originators of butoh, the experimental Japanese dance form that is also a great inspiration for associate artist Trajal Harrell. Instead of butoh’s customary improvisation, Kawaguchi follows a radically different method by reconstructing Ohno’s iconic solos, like Admiring La Argentina (1977) and My Mother (1981), down to the smallest detail. 

If you are familiar with Ohno’s work, you will recognise his movements in Kawaguchi’s body. If you are not, you will see a performance in which the memory of dance and the intangibility of time are central. What is imitation, and what is original?


Thu June 12 7:30 PM

Fri June 13 7:30 PM


  • default € 23
  • CJP/student/scholar € 15


  • Language no problem

  • 1 hour 50 minutes (zonder pauze)

  • About Kazuo Ohno

    Bozzo Mori

  • About Kazuo Ohno

    Mara Arteaga

  • About Kazuo Ohno

    Takuya Matsumi

  • About Kazuo Ohno

    Teijiro Kamiyama


concept Takao Kawaguchi performance Takao Kawaguchi choreography Kazuo Ohno, Tatsumi Hijikata dramaturgy Naoto Iina sound Naoto Iina feature film Naoto Iina light design Toshio Mizohata film appearance Yoshito Ohno costumes Noriko Kitamura dance analyst and coach Tomoko Hirata in participation with Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio

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