Luca Francesconi, Heiner Müller, Teatro alla Scala
Six international musical theatre productions showcased musical theatre’s diversity and formed the heart of the festival, from Wagner to an adaptation of Quartett by La Fura dels Baus, demonstrating opera is no longer the only form of ‘total art’. A striking number of pieces this year were about living together: on a small scale, among loved ones and in families, and on a larger scale with disasters and diasporas. How might people organise their lives in such a way as to provide a place for ideas and ideals? The artists gave form to these ideas and invited the audience to think and dream further.
Luca Francesconi, Heiner Müller, Teatro alla Scala
Toni Morrison, Rokia Traoré, Peter Sellars
Jan Fabre, Moritz Eggert, Vlaamse Opera
Rob Zuidam
Heiner Goebbels, Vocal Theatre Carmina Slovenica
Zimmermann & de Perrot
Brett Bailey, Third World Bunfight
Tomoko Mukaiyama, Nicole Beutler, Jean Kalman
Christian Marclay, MAZE
Christian Marclay
Cindy Bernard
Radio Filharmonisch Orkest
Danijel Zezelj, Darcy James Argue
Nathalie Roos, Sanne Wichman
Studenten Koninklijk Conservatorium
Dimitri de Perrot, Martin Zimmermann, Berliner Ensemble
Claron McFadden, Dimitar Bodurov en Fay Lovsky
Franui & Karsten Riedel
David Mitchell, Mieke van der Weij
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Gaël Santisteva
Timotheus Vermeulen, Sander Veenhof, Oui Share, Broodfonds, Turntoo, Koen Haegens & Buurtzorg Nederland
Nova College
Jodi Gilbert, Kaja Draksler
Meesters van de chaabi
Hildur Guðnadóttir
Morton Feldman, Reinbert de Leeuw
James Dillon, Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag, Cappella Amsterdam
John Adams, Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, Groot Omroepkoor
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop, Lee Ranaldo
Benjamin Britten, Conor Mitchell, Jamie McDermott
The Gloaming
Radio Kamer Filharmonie, Régis Campo, Pascal Dusapin, Misato Mochizuki, Matijs de Roo
Franui, Gustav Mahler
Simon Stone, Belvoir (Sydney)
Dieudonné Niangouna
Mariano Pensotti
La Re-sentida
Toneelgroep Amsterdam, Thomas Ostermeier
Rodrigo García, Emilio García Wehbi
Bertolt Brecht, Heiner Müller, Berliner Ensemble
Jan Lauwers & Needcompany
Theatre of Nations, Moskou
Welcome to the Holland Festival archive! The history of our festival dates back to 1947. Through the programs of each festival edition we aim to tell this history here. Currently our archive has been digitised from 1990 onwards, more history is to follow soon. Sadly some information is only available in Dutch but we aim to be as bilingual as possible. For additions or tips send an email to [email protected].