Amsterdam Roots Festival
Zap Mama, Sapho, Margareth Menezes, Emil Zrihan, Rubén Blades, Tekameli
1999’s edition had it all, from Purcell’s King Arthur for the whole family to The Residents and Patti Smith. Also on the menu were an opera by Klas Torstensson about a polar expedition with a tragic end, a performance of Brian Eno's Music for Airports on Schiphol Airport, Stravinsky’s biblical works in a contemporary setting by seasoned festival guest Peter Sellars, and the farewell performance of Andrea Breth, who ended her period with the legendary Schaubühne am Lehninerplatz with Stella. After a long time, Anne Bogart returned to the Netherlands with the solo BOB, a homage to director Bob Wilson.
Zap Mama, Sapho, Margareth Menezes, Emil Zrihan, Rubén Blades, Tekameli
Brian Eno
Charles Mingus, Trans Atlantic Jazz Orchestra
Brian Eno, Metropole Orkest
Patti Smith
dEUS, Cornelius
Jeroen Hofs (Eboman) & Mo'reez,
Kamran Ince, Ahmed Saygun, Gülsin Onay
The Residents
Micha Hamel, Radio Filharmonisch Orkest
Jaap Drupsteen, Radio Kamerorkest
Heiner Goebbels, Ensemble Modern
Henry Purcell, John Dryden
Pierre Audi, De Nederlandse Opera, Residentie Orkest, Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest, Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest
Igor Stravinsky, Peter Sellars, Reinbert de Leeuw
Zita Swoon, Les Ballets C de la B
Romeo Castellucci
Richard Maxwell
Ivo van Hove, Marguerite Duras, Het Zuidelijk Toneel
Andrea Breth, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Anne Bogart, Will Bond, Robert Wilson
Koen Augustijnen, Maxime Rigobert, Stephane Schivot
Einar Schleef, Oscar Wilde
Welcome to the Holland Festival archive! The history of our festival dates back to 1947. Through the programs of each festival edition we aim to tell this history here. Currently our archive has been digitised from 1990 onwards, more history is to follow soon. Sadly some information is only available in Dutch but we aim to be as bilingual as possible. For additions or tips send an email to [email protected].