At this year’s Holland Festival, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra will literally play out of the box, with a concert held in the Gasholder. The special acoustics of this building, so very different from the orchestra’s home environment, has been the inspiration for a programme that can in turn rightly be called inspiring, imbued as it is with the music of Pierre Boulez. From the French maître himself, the orchestra will play Rituel, a piece for orchestra in eight groups. Furthermore, there will be world premieres by Richard Rijnvos and Kaija Saariaho, of two works that are indebted to the master. The same goes for the volcanic Kraft by Magnus Lindberg.
Fri June 22 2012 10:00 PM
Sat June 23 2012 10:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (inclusief een pauze)
© © Aymeric Warmé-Janville 2008
© Simon van Boxtel