A boy from the banlieue is released from prison and tells his story about struggling to escape from street life and hatred, and about police violence and life in suburbs with cheap rental housing. The French writer and rapper Abd Al Malik has been inspired by Charles Baudelaire’s poetry and Martiniquan philosopher Édouard Glissant’s thinking about diversity and globalisation. After his successful L’art et la révolte, on texts by Albert Camus, Musée d’Orsay invited him to create a theatrical concert alongside an exhibition on black models in art history. This led to a ‘rhythmic rebellion’ about identity in the age of globalisation – recited, rapped, slammed and sung to black music, white music, and everything in between. The performance title is a reference to a nineteenth-century painting from the Orsay collection, ‘Young black with sword’. download the programme book
Wed June 12 2019 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
On the occasion of its exhibition Le modèle noir, de Géricault à Matisse (‘The black model: from Géricault to Matisse’), the Musée d'Orsay in Paris has invited Abd Al Malik to produce a show.