Choreographer David Dawson breathes new life into the timeless love story of Tristan and Isolde, with his abstract narrative and elegant dance style. It is a story about the passionate and doomed love between two young people who come from historical and socially opposed camps and who die a tragic death for love. Dawson asked the Polish composer Szymon Brzóska to write a new composition for this old myth. Tristan + Isolde is an enduring story of eternal, burning love: sacred yet forbidden, healing yet destructive.
16 - 26 June 2018
Duration of performance unknown (inclusief een pauze)
The origins of Tristan und Isolde, one of the oldest known European love stories, lie far back in the mists of time. This Celtic legend tells of a magic spell that ensnares Isolde, princess of Ireland, and Tristan,