Does there exist a different kind of diva, one that is beyond the gloss and the glamour? Director Faustin Linyekula and South African singer and actress Hlengiwe Lushaba want to show a different kind of diva, far removed from stereotypes – a diva who performs in back gardens, mingles with normal people, and has never lost touch with daily reality. The idea arose when Lushaba was recording her music at Linyekula’s Studios Kabako in Kisangani. This performance is the result of their collaboration, which also includes Congolese percussionist Huguette Tolinga and dancer Johanna Tshabalala. Not Another Diva ... is a compelling theatre concert and an ode to the power of woman. download the programma book
Fri June 7 2019 8:30 PM
Sun June 9 2019 8:30 PM
Dutch, Zoeloe
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Based on a song cycle written by Hlengiwe Lushaba, this production is about an ancient line of female power – wisdom passed on from generation to generation. Together with Johanna Tshabalala