Holland Festival Parels

Holland Festival Gems
Holland Festival Gems
To celebrate our 70- and 75-year anniversaries, the Holland Festival together with VPRO have collected a large number of video fragments of and about performances from our festival history under the name ‘Holland Festival Gems’.
This video material consists mainly of television clips from various public broadcasters. Often, this footage was shown on television only once. Now, courtesy of NTR, VPRO and Beeld en Geluid, these videos can be watched again as a tribute and online archive.
See a selection of the Holland Festival Gems below.
Watch all the Gems via this Youtube channel.
Simplisties Verbond, Opening Holland Festival 1975
Aanvallen van Uitersten, Monique Toebosch, Holland Festival 1983
Concertgebouworkest o.l.v. Erich Kleiber, Holland Festival 1949
Deafman Glance, Robert Wilson, Holland Festival 1971
Simeon ten Holt "Canto Ostinato", Holland Festival 1985
Helikopter Streichquartett, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Holland Festival 1995
Philip Glass, interview door Hans Heg, Holland Festival 1975
Live, Hans van Manen (uit Live/life), Holland Festival 1979
Peter Sellars "Ajax", 40 jaar Holland Festival in 1987
Ballet greats
How to pass..., John Cage en Merce Cunningham, Holland Festival 1970
Addio alla Fine, Emio Greco en Pieter C. Scholten, Holland Festival 2012
Sacre, Shen Wei, Het Nationale Ballet, Holland Festival 2013
Walzer, wereldpremière - Pina Bausch - Holland Festival 1982 | Holland Festival Parels
"C(h)oeurs" - Les Ballets C de la B, Holland Festival 2012
Overture, David Dawson, Het Nationale Ballet, Holland Festival 2013
Addio alla Fine, Emio Greco en Pieter C. Scholten, Holland Festival 2012
Live, Hans van Manen (uit Live/life), Holland Festival 1979
Giselle, Het Nationale Ballet o.l.v. Sonia Gaskell, Holland Festival 1966
Staunch, Krisztina de Châtel, Holland Festival 1987
Arrivals at Schiphol
Maria Callas, Aankomst op Schiphol, 1959
Anja Silja, interview door Jan Venema, Holland Festival 1968
George Szell, aankomst op Schiphol, 1957
Benjamin Britten en Peter Pears arriveren op Schiphol, Holland Festival 1950
Tamara Toumanova en Kathleen Ferrier, Holland Festival 1951
Burgtheater Wien, interview door Merel Laseur, Holland Festival 1968
Luciano Berio, interview door Hans Heg, Holland Festival 1972
Karlheinz Stockhausen, interview door Henriëtte Klautz, Holland Festival 1969
Misha Mengelberg, interview door Hans Heg, Holland Festival 1981
Lotte Lenya, repetitie en interview, Holland Festival 1971
Philip Glass, interview door Hans Heg, Holland Festival 1975
Anja Silja, interview door Jan Venema, Holland Festival 1968
Walzer, Pina Bausch, interview met danser Ed Kortlandt, 1982 | Holland Festival Parels
Deafman Glance, Robert Wilson, Holland Festival 1971
Mauricio Kagel, interview door Hans Heg, Holland Festival 1985
From Dutch soil
Weens Concert o.l.v. Willem van Otterloo, Holland Festival 1951
Rotterdam Fantastiek, Opening Holland Festival 1973
Simeon ten Holt "Canto Ostinato", Holland Festival 1985
Rudolf Escher op Gala NL'se Muziek, Holland Festival 1987
De noodzaak van dans, presentatie Freek de Jonge, Holland Festival 1981