The first two humans on earth were in love. The third man killed the fourth. Die ersten Menschen tells the story of the first family in the biblical history of mankind: Adahm and Chawa and their sons Kajin and Chabel. In Die ersten Menschen, the well-known Bible story of Kajin's murder of his brother is interpreted from a completely different angle. In an exceptionally fascinating opera, the promising, but too early deceased composer Rudi Stephan opens up a rich musical world about one of man's primal conflicts. The story Die ersten Menschen is set in a vast primeval landscape, where the first family on earth cannot avoid mutual confrontation. Chawa feels estranged from Adahm and longs for their younger years. Sons Kajin and Chabel have very different views on life. Kajin feels close to nature and is filled with sexual desire, while Chabel lives by his religious beliefs and fulfils the role of the perfect son. Kajin finds in his mother the archetypal woman he has been searching for and is jealous of his mother's love for Chabel. The envy drives him to kill his own brother. Left alone, Adahm and Chawa understand what awaits mankind. Performance schedule to be announced The Dutch premiere of Die ersten Menschen will take place on 3 June. If the situation allows for an audience to attend, there will be extra performances. The premiere will also be live streamed on 3 June. If it will be possible to welcome an audience in Nationale Opera & Ballet, then the performance schedule will be published. Therefor information about ticket sales will be announced on a later date.
June 3 - June 23
German surtitles: English, Dutch
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)
Rudi Stephan A tragic feeling of unfulfillment hangs over Rudi Stephan's (1887-1915) artistic achievements. The German composer was only 28 years old when he died at the front in the First World War. He had then just completed his first opera, Die ersten Menschen, which would not have its world premiere until after his death. Much work by and about Stephan was lost in the two wars. The little material that has survived shows his distinctive musical language. This suggests that in a longer life he could have left his mark on the developments of the classical music of his time. Die ersten Menschen has been performed very little; the last staged performance of the work took place in 1988.