European culture as we know it – from Plato to 3D printing – has become impotent and inward-looking. It’s time for a change. On Amsterdam’s Java Island, actors collective Wunderbaum performs the first part of their The New Forest series. Joined by a group of Amsterdam people, the actors go in search of an alternative way of living. On their quest, they try to get to grips with two thousand years of Western philosophy, so they can approach the world of tomorrow with an open mind Wunderbaum creates theatre for the future. Programme
Wed June 22 2016 9:30 PM
Thu June 23 2016 9:30 PM
Fri June 24 2016 9:30 PM
Sat June 25 2016 9:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
At this year's Holland Festival, actors collective Wunderbaum will stage the last ever reprise of their 2013 hit performance De komst van Xia (The coming of Xia), with a new cast. The piece will be performed on location at the head of Amsterdam's Java Island.