Ash and Money is ‘the making of’ one of the biggest social experiments in Estonian history. Conceived and directed by the Estonian directors Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo – who feature at the festival with their production Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten – this film documents their most sensational project to date. Semper, Ojasoo and their actors are filmed while they manage to get the whole of Estonia talking about their new – fictional – political movement, with many people believing it is all real. The ‘performance’ lasted for 44 days, during which their fictional political party Unified Estonia made constant headlines with interviews, press releases, eye-catching poster campaigns and well-orchestrated scandals. The project finally culminated in the party’s founding assembly, which attracted 7,500 people. According to the makers, the film shows the workings of hyperpopulism in order to make the real populism in today’s world redundant. Programme
Tue June 7 2016 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Tallinn, March 2010. The members of the Estonian NO99 Theatre company go on a full media offensive to launch a new political movement, called Ühtne Eesti (United Estonia). Their goal is to break open the country's rigid political system and radically change the corrupt political climate. NO99, the artist's collective of ten actors and two artistic leaders famous as well as notorious for their elusive and provocative work, are going into politics.