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The programme on Sunday 5 June starts with an afternoon concert featuring three of Xenakis’ shorter works for strings: Aroura (1971), Voile (1995) and Syrmos (1959) plus six Fantasia’s: from his German contemporary Hans Werner Henze, from Renaissance composer Orlando di Lasso and from Late Medieval composer Josquin Desprez. These ‘architectural’ works are performed by Amsterdam Sinfonietta, directed by Johannes Kalitzke. The closing concert on Sunday evening comprises a single work, Xenakis’ ‘ballet for orchestra and tape’ Kraanerg (1969). The 75 minutes long piece is performed by Asko|Schönberg directed by Arturo Tamayo, with visuals from the Brussels collective Visual Kitchen.

  • © ad van der koog

  • © ad van der koog

  • © Ada Nieuwendijk