A dreamer sits by the grave of a deceased woman and loses all sense of time. Only when she turns into a white lily does he realise a hundred years have passed. Inspired by the surreal first story from Soseki Natsume’s collection of short stories Yume jūya (‘Ten Nights of Dreams’) from 1908, the composer and Holland Festival associate artist Ryuichi Sakamoto teamed up with director and visual artist Shiro Takatani to make a dreamlike opera. Taking inspiration from a Mugen Noh – traditional Japanese dance theatre with magical elements – Sakamoto explores the phenomenon of time and the relationship between humankind and nature. Against a dreamlike backdrop that seems to go on forever, the dancer Min Tanaka portrays ‘humanity’, and shō player Mayumi Miyata represents ‘nature’ through movement and sound/music. Sakamoto: ‘We live and we die. And after we die, our body becomes part of the next being. This is samsara itself, the life circle of life on earth. In dreams, those temporal structures are not linear. Everything is condensed’.
Fri June 18 2021 8:00 PM
Sat June 19 2021 8:00 PM
Sun June 20 2021 8:00 PM
1 hour 10 minutes (zonder pauze)
‘In dreams, time can pass exceedingly fast or seem to take forever. Time can jump, and elements from different periods can exist side by side perfectly well. But in everyday life, humans are trapped in time’. Ryuichi Sakamoto is intrigued by humans’ limited experience of time, which in his view means music is also ‘trapped.’ In past years, this inspired him to read up on philosophy – from Confucius and Lao Tse, to Henri Bergson and Carlo Rovelli – and look into the possibilities for freeing himself and his music from time’s constraints. ‘Humans invented time, just like they invented numbers. These concepts have only existed for the past ten thousand years or so. They didn’t exist for early Homo sapiens and still don’t exist in the same way gorillas, or chimpanzees experience things. Even though humans are part of nature, they have divorced themselves from nature through logic and concepts like time. So humans are trapped in this time they invented themselves’.
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