In the leading role: a sheep. This most innocent of creatures is no longer content with itself. It feels it has greater potential, that it is destined for a life more glorious than that of its fellow sheep. It takes fate into its own hands in order to become human, starting with walking upright. All sorts of mythical creatures then cross its path. Some work against it, while others help it along its way. With colourful sets full of fabulous figures, this wordless piece takes the audience on a quest for the human. It is a modern fable about growing up and about the constant striving for more, better and further. At the same time, it is about the fear of inevitable change, in ourselves but also around us. It is a meditation on transformation as a fundamental mechanism of life.
Mon June 14 2021 8:30 PM
Tue June 15 2021 8:30 PM
Wed June 16 2021 8:30 PM
Thu June 17 2021 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)
‘Fables are one of the oldest literary instruments in our language area, tales that use animals to teach us moral lessons about good and evil. To what extent is it possible in our current age of fake news and alternative facts to take such a clear-cut, unequivocally moral position? The FC Bergman company asked itself this question when it decided to make a new piece in the form of a fable. The company had previously made an adaptation of the fable Reynard the Fox. The Sheep Song marks a move in the opposite direction: this piece was not based on any existing tale, but instead a wholly new fable was created that centres on a theme that has preoccupied people throughout the ages: transformation.
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