With The Pyre, the French-Austrian theatre maker Gisèle Vienne has created a hall of mirrors in which nothing is what it seems, a story in which the abstract and the concrete constantly reflect one another. Dancer Anja Röttgerkamp moves through a pulsating lighting design hinting at the bright lights of the big city, a disorientating environment which is enhanced by a complex soundscape. Stripped of all realism, the dancer becomes a kind of 21st century icon. From this charged abstraction the piece develops into a more concrete narrative, introducing a boy, who is related to the dancer. Together they try to escape from the story that has been written for them.
Fri June 14 2013 10:30 PM
Sat June 15 2013 10:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)
© Gisele Vienne