Theatre thriller about a society spinning out of control
Due to its great success, the thriller The Nation is returning to the theatre. The six-part theatre marathon by Het Nationale Theater about a mysterious disappearance was written like a Netflix series for the stage: current, witty and full of nerve-racking cliff hangers.
Eleven-year-old Ismael from the Schilderswijk district in The Hague has vanished without a trace. His disappearance sets the stage for a feverish quest through all layers of society spinning out of control. Along the way we encounter police officers, jihadists, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists and social workers, each with their own personal interests.
Fri June 24 2022 5:30 PM
Sat June 25 2022 5:30 PM
Sun June 26 2022 3:00 PM
- default from € 38
- CJP/student € 12
- HF Young € 20
Dutch surtitles: English
5 hours (met 2 pauzes)
Programme (friday and saturday)
17:30 - 19:20 Part 1
19:30 - 19:45 Break
19:45 - 20:45 Part 2
20:45 - 21:10 Break
21:19 - 22:45 Part 3
Programme (sunday)
15:00 - 16:50 Part 1
17:15 - 18:15 Part 2
18:40 - 20:15 Part 3
During the breaks you can purchase the following snacks at the bar of the Rabozaal-foyer:
- Hummusbowl: hummus with vegetables, herbs and flatbread
- Cheese with traditional Amsterdam pickles and mustard
- Portion of typical Dutch Osseworst with traditional Amsterdam pickles and mustard
The Hague, summer 2018. As the first pile is driven for a new, hyper-modern urban district, eleven-year-old Ismael is arrested for vandalism in the Schilderswijk district. But then something strange happens: immediately after his release, he disappears without a trace. Why was Ismael’s time at the police station not registered? Does his radicalising brother know more about his current whereabouts? Or does his mother, who wants to open a controversial wine bar for Muslim women in the neighbourhood? And what part do his foster parents play, with their excellent political contacts in The Hague?