Eric de Vroedt
Eric de Vroedt (Rotterdam, 1972) studied at Toneelschool Arnhem. After the great success of the large Mightysociety project, pieces with Toneelgroep Amsterdam and serving as guest director at Schauspielhaus Bochum, De Vroedt joined Het Nationale Theater as director and artistic leader in 2016, where he directs not only texts he wrote himself but also a contemporary and newly-written repertoire. His work is characterised by its distinct social engagement. He achieves this by being open to everything preoccupying a modern, diverse audience, both in substance and form. He strives to turn these real-world elements into stories that are relevant. Stories that recognise the chaotic nature of the real world, but which condense it into an inspired moment full of solace, anger, love and insight for one evening.
Major work
2004 - 2012 Mightysociety-project
2012 Na de zondeval
2014 De Entertainer
2015 Koningin Lear
2017 The Nation
2017 Race
2021 De eeuw van mijn moeder
Toneelschrijfprijs 2018
Past events
theatre |Internationaal Theater Amsterdam - Rabozaal
context |De Balie - Salon -
theatre |Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
context |Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ