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During the Holland Festival the Stedelijk Museum will be alive to a musical and theatrical battle between ‘ beer fiddlers’ and ‘art pipers’. The American photographer and performance and sound artist Cindy Bernard adapted Johann Kuhnau’s 17th century German satire Musicus Curiosus to a 21st century version centring on the old struggle for precedence between the trained artist and the autodidact. The issue at hand: who is the better musician, the state sponsored ‘Kunstpfeifer’ playing from sheet music, or the improvising ‘Biergeiger’, performing in the taverns? It’s a confrontation between two cultures which is still ongoing to this day, and which will find a merry continuation with this performance featuring live music, spoken word and video at the Stedelijk.

  • © Christina Hallström


a project by Cindy Bernard translation Cindy Bernard adaptation Cindy Bernard musical direction David Watson cast David Hatcher percussion Steve Heather flute Thijs van Leer violin Alison Isadora vocals G.W. Sok bagpipes David Watson trumpet Felicity Provan trombone Hilary Jeffrey harpsichord Frans de Ruiter concertina Seamus Cater

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