William Kentridge’s latest production, which takes its title from the Ghanaian proverb ‘the head and the load are the troubles of the neck,’ opens the 2019 Holland Festival with a grand spectacle. The work, featuring music by long-time collaborator Phillip Miller with Thuthuka Sibisi and choreography by Gregory Maqoma, illuminates the plight of the nearly two million African porters and carriers used by the British, French, and Germans who bore the brunt of the casualties during the First World War in Africa – a tragic story of immense historical significance that has remained largely untold. Kentridge’s unique vision brings together an international ensemble cast of musicians, singers, dancers, and performers alongside film projections and shadow play to create a landscape of extraordinary proportion and imagination that unfolds across a 50-meter wide stage. download the programme book
Wed May 29 2019 8:30 PM
Thu May 30 2019 3:00 PM
Thu May 30 2019 8:30 PM
Fri May 31 2019 8:30 PM
English, French, Italian, Shangaan, Shona, Zoeloe, Pedi, Xhosa, Wolof, Madinga, Swahili
(geen pauze)
‘The Head & the Loadis about Africa and Africans in the First World War, that is to say about all the contradictions and paradoxes of colonialism that were heated and compressed by circumstances