How do you get a grip on a complex phenomenon like migration management? How do you delineate a border when it is everywhere? The Belgian dramatist Thomas Bellinck had numerous conversations with border and data managers in control rooms and on the fringes of Europe. With two actors, four musicians from SPECTRA, scenographer Josef Wouters, composer Joris Blanckaert, and ten gigabytes of audio material, he made Simple as ABC #2: Keep Calm & Validate, a documentary music theatre performance about outsourcing our discomfort with social selection. Programme
Fri June 16 2017 8:30 PM
Sat June 17 2017 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Simple as ABC #2: Keep Calm & Validate, is a documentary musical theatre performance about digital migration management and outsourcing our discomfort with social selection. Theatre maker Thomas Bellinck went to Lesbos to prepare the groundwork for the performance.