Using the slogan ‘everything you always wanted to play but never dared to ask’, Popcorn connects pop music and new music. Popcorn is performed by a collective formed by electric guitar quartet Zwerm, violin and electric guitar duo Mr. Probe, drummer Mattijs Vanderleen and singer Gregory Frateur. They play six new compositions by contemporary Dutch and Flemish composers, inspired by pop songs by The Cardiacs, Tom Waits, Björk, Daan, Jimi Hendrix, Nick Cave and Cindy Lauper. The new compositions are juxtaposed by six new arrangements of the original songs, created by Peter Vermeersch. The end result is a truly hybrid concert in which the barriers between high and low culture are broken down and where music emerges the winner.
Fri June 8 2012 10:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)