Congolese all-round talent Djino Alolo Sabin trained as a dancer at Studios Kabako and now dances with French choreographer Boris Charmatz among others. He made his second own work in Kisangani: Piki Piki. This political solo is inspired by two objects in his parent's house: a broken-down truck and the portrait of his grandfather which hung prominently in the living room for his entire youth. Djino's grandfather was a very committ ed supporter of the Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba (1925- 1961). One day he suddenly disappeared, most likely murdered, as Lumumba was. His grandfather's piercing eyes in the photograph haunted Alolo Sabin for years and inspired him to pursue his dream and keep on fighting for a bett er life and a bett er country. Piki Piki is that dream. download the programme book
Mon June 3 2019 7:30 PM
Tue June 4 2019 7:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Frascati Program Associate Artists
For two weeks Frascati theatre will be the home of associate artists William Kentridge and Faustin Linyekula. Alongside performances by themselves and artists who inspire them, there will be a lot of work from their studios. These presentations show the importance of