Nine teenage girls claim their place on the stage. They force the spectators to listen to their view of the world, in particular their experiences of gender-related violence and feminism in Chile and South America. Chilean director Marco Layera – this time without his group La Re-sentida – worked for a year with these young actresses on Paisajespara no colorear (‘Non coloring landscapes’). The girls are provocative and resolute, but also vulnerable as they storm the stage with hormonal bravado to refute persistent romantic myths about youth and female innocence. They show that a new generation has found its voice and that the time has come to open our eyes to the reality in which today’s teenagers live. Or, in the girls’ own words: ‘We will become the stars of an unrivalled cultural revolution.’ download the programme book
Fri June 14 2019 8:30 PM
Sat June 15 2019 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
‘Theatre enables the viewer to reflect on reality. It always surprises me when people are shocked by a performance. How can you be shocked by what we do, when reality is many times worse?’