Just as you won’t find a country named Kurdistan on the map, you won’t find a CD under ‘Kurdish’ in your record shop. Nishtiman is a new collective that wants to change this. Artistic leader Hussein Hajar Zahawi, an internationally renowned percussionist, teamed up with the virtuoso kamanche player Sohrab Pournazeri to form a band of musicians from the different parts of Kurdistan, from Turkey to Iran, complemented by two Frenchmen on African percussion and double bass. Venturing beyond mere folklore or nostalgia, Nishtiman combines exuberant festive Kurdish music with subtle improvisations and ecstatic song. The group create a new style which not only connects the Kurdish people amongst each other but also with the rest of the world.
Fri June 20 2014 10:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)