Scottish post-rockers Mogwai had long wanted to work with filmmaker Mark Cousins, and eventually got to collaborate with Cousins on his recent film Atomic. Cousins, famous for his 15-hour film history The Story of Film: an Odyssey, has edited archival footage into a disturbing, ambiguous history of atomic power, mixing music and film like an audiovisual DJ. Unintentionally comic public information films, impressive mushroom clouds and total destruction are followed by amazing, even life-saving technological progress. Mogwai perform their apocalyptic soundtrack live to the screening, making Atomic film, installation and concert in one – ominous and exhilarating to the very last minute. Programme
Sat June 11 2016 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Seventy years after the devastating atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Irish filmmaker Mark Cousins teamed up with Scottish post-rockband Mogwai to make Atomic, Living in Dread and Promise. The result is a magnificent combination of film, installation and concert, showing how nuclear power has changed the world forever.