Mitra is the true story of Iranian psychoanalyst Mitra Kadivar, who in 2012 was locked up in a psychiatric hospital in Tehran. Director Jorge León turned her incredible story into a hybrid artwork combining music theatre, documentary and installation. The libretto is based on the increasingly desperate e-mails Mitra sent from the institution in the hope of escaping her Kafkaesque situation. Composers Eva Reiter and George van Dam have written sensual music, with vocals by Claron McFadden. The text, music and film images, recorded in a psychiatric institution in France, show Mitra’s struggle as a poignant, cinematic experience – a cry from confinement and isolation. download the programme book
Tue June 11 2019 8:30 PM
English, French
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
True story: in the winter of 2012 and 2013 around 160 emails flashed back and forth between Paris and Teheran. The French psychoanalyst Jacques-Alain Miller was corresponding with Mitra