Guerrilla groups, paramilitary groups and drug cartels - the conflict between these groups has disrupted daily life of Colombian citizens since 1964. In Los Incontados: un tríptico (a condensed version of the Anatomía de la violencia trilogy) the Colombian theatre company Mapa Teatro explores the fragile boundary between celebrations and violence. In three parts, including an old Afro-Colombian ritual and a farewell to the longest-lasting revolutionary dream of Latin America, the civil war is viewed from different sides. For the past thirty years Mapa Teatro has created a unique universe in which it has reinvented genres and art forms, and in which myths and history, opera, theatre, cabaret, radio and video have been merged. Los Incontados presents one of South America's most renowned theatre companies at its best. download the programme book
Fri May 31 2019 8:00 PM
Sat June 1 2019 8:00 PM
Mon June 3 2019 8:00 PM
Tue June 4 2019 8:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
A colourful and sometimes exuberant group of people throngs the stage in Los Incontados: un tríptico, a show full of masked partygoers, a magician, musicians and children. Even Pablo Escobar