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‘Fragmented times’ is how associate artist Bill T. Jones describes the period we’re living in, with its rising divisiveness. He sets out to look for a we, together with the audience. Where his production Deep Blue Sea would have had him dancing with a hundred people from the local community on the same stage, ‘in times of social distancing’ he invites people - anyone who feels like it! - to individually record a short video about something they know deep down and feel strongly about - expressed in words and gestures. These individual entries, which each begin with the words ‘I know...’ are turned into a visual mosaic by the video artist Ruben van Leer that will grow as the festival advances and more people participate. The strong words and gestures of all these individuals - brought together in a dynamic design based on complex data visualisation techniques and a refined sound design - substantiate a larger, collective knowing. I Know... part 1 - 6


General Idea & Concept Bill T. Jones Film & Digital Creation Ruben Van Leer Commissioned & Produced by Holland Festival Motion Design RNDR Social Video Generator RNDR Web Design Martijn De Heer Web Development Amir Houieh sound design Henry Vega Video Capture Essay Video Assistent Curator Micha Zaat Digital Production RVL_studio thanks to all the amazing participants of the project - searchable and credited on Vimeo based on the live production Deep Blue Sea originally commissioned by Park Avenue Armory, New York and Manchester International Festival, New York Live Arts, The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage

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