Eighty-four bowl gongs in The Concertgebouw's Main Hall welcome you to the Temple of Time by the Indonesian-Dutch composer Sinta Wullur. This ‘gong temple’ the audience and the musicians enter together. A nine-member vocal ensemble performs songs based on ancient texts and sacred sounds from the four world religions. The lyrics are about time and the perception of time. The gongs at the concert are from the chromatic gamelan which Wullur made especially for her compositions. Temple of Time is a stunning and meditative experience for young and old.
Sat June 24 2017 3:00 PM
Temple of Time is a ritualistic installation and composition by composer Sinta Wullur and director Miranda Lakerveld. Central to the work is the gamelan that Wullur commissioned in the mid-1990s. Contrary to the Indonesian set of instruments, the gongs and kettle