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Sinta Wullur


Sinta Wullur wasborn in Bandung, Java and has lived in the Netherlands since she was ten. After receiving her degree in piano at the Amsterdam Conservatory in 1982, she studied composition under Ton de Leeuw, Theo Loevendie and Louis Andriessen. During that time, she also developed an interest in Asian music, especially Indian and Indonesian song, and the gamelan traditions of Java and Bali. Wullur travelled to Indonesia to learn more about its musical traditions. She has played in various Dutch gamelan ensembles. She aims to combine European and Asian traditions in her music, in part by working with rhythmical structures derived from gamelan. In the mid-1990s, she had a gamelan orchestra built that was turned according the European twelve-tone system, as opposed to the Indonesian tuning in five and/or seven tones. She set up the Multifoon ensemble to play this gamelan, often in combination with European instruments such as a string quartet and a saxophone quartet. The ensemble played a role in Gamelan Symfonie by Peter Schat. She also used this gamelan in her opera Ramayana, on which she worked since 2001. She recently spent two years travelling around India and Indonesia. As a result, she started incorporating gamelan and Indian raga into her compositions. Her most recent work focuses on improvisation. In her concerts, she wants the audience to be able to share a ritualistic experience.

Past events

  1. 2024

    music |Amsterdam Centraal Station IJ-Boulevard
  2. 2017

    music |Het Concertgebouw - Grote zaal