The boundaries between acoustic and electronic music disappear in this concert by Colin Benders’ Electro Symphonic Orchestra. After a successful preview at last year’s Holland Festival Proms, he is now presenting a full length composition for his brand new orchestra of modular synthesisers and many speakers at the Concertgebouw’s Main Hall – the Valhalla of orchestral music. By setting up the speakers on the stage and in the auditorium, Benders wants to make electronic music not simply in stereo, but with the transparency, dynamism and expressiveness of a symphony orchestra. Something not to be missed by lovers of unheard sounds from as-yet unexplored musical landscapes. download the programme book
Sat June 22 2019 9:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
‘I want to redefine what a classic concert hall is and does. What is an orchestra precisely? Why are instruments amplified? I want to play with the conventions of that concert hall at the Concertgebouw. And it’s also massively cool to play at such a legendary venue.’