The artistically gifted knight Walther von Stolzing can only win the hand of his true love Eva Pogner if he can triumph in a song contest. The powers that be, exemplified by the hateful Beckmesser, are bent on thwarting his efforts. But the legendary Hans Sachs, the master of all master singers, recognizes the pure talent of Walther. Artfully, he ensures that Von Stolzing can win the contest after all. In his one and only comic opera, Wagner has blended poetry and music into one continuous dramatic music dialogue focusing on the conflict between bourgeois tradition and true artistry, in which truth is ultimately victorious over delusion.
Tue June 4 2013 7:30 PM
Fri June 7 2013 7:30 PM
Mon June 10 2013 7:30 PM
Thu June 13 2013 7:30 PM
Mon June 17 2013 7:30 PM
Thu June 20 2013 7:30 PM
Sun June 23 2013 3:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (inclusief twee pauzes)