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Marcel Beekman


The tenor Marcel Beekman is a highly in-demand soloist in both baroque and classical, as well as contemporary concert and opera repertoire. His concert repertoire includes the vocal works of Johann Sebastian Bach, solo motets for haute-contre by François Couperin, the great oratorios by Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Rossini, Orff, Honneger and Stravinsky, as well as less common works by Frank Martin, Benjamin Britten and Peter Maxwell Davies to compositions by Peter Schat, Claude Vivier and John Cage.

On the operatic stage, he has so far been heard and seen in operas by Claudio Monteverdi, Jean Philippe Rameau, Heinrich Ignaz von Biber, Christoph Willibald von Gluck and Kurt Weill, and in A Season in Hell, a musical-dramatic four-part work by Roderik de Man, Theo Abazis, Barbara Woof and Paul Bruinen. Marcel Beekman also sang Remembrance of Taiping Lake by Xu Shuya and the title role in Willem Breuker's Jona. Marcel Beekman has premiered a lot of new work, some of it written especially for him, by composers such as Elmer Schönberger, Roderik de Man, Martijn Padding, Jacques Bank, António Chagas Rosa, Myriam Marbe and Jeff Hamburg.

Past events

  1. 2017

    opera |Nationale Opera & Ballet
  2. 2016

    music theatre |Koninklijk Theater Carré
  3. 2014

    opera |Stadsschouwburg - Rabozaal
  4. opera |Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
  5. 2013

    opera |Het Muziektheater Amsterdam
  6. opera |Oosterpark
  7. 2012

    music theatre |De Duif
  8. music |Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
  9. music |Het Concertgebouw - Grote zaal
  10. 2008

    music |Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
  11. 2006

    music |Het Concertgebouw - Grote zaal