At the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, the Congo basin was allocated to King Leopold the second by the European powers carving up the African continent. Since then, the country has had many names - the Congo Free State, Belgian Congo, Zaire, Congo-Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo - and at least as many conquerors, independence fighters, explorers and dictators. ‘Congo does not exist. It is only a river and the big forest’, according to one of the French writer Éric Vuillard’s characters in his documentary novel Congo. In this ode to his homeland, Faustin Linyekula reflects on this claim, continuing his lifetime exploration of his country. Together with Pasco Losanganya and Daddy Moanda Kamono, he gives his country a voice and a face using dance, text and sound. Please note: the 'meet the artist' after the show has been canceled download the programme book
Fri June 14 2019 9:00 PM
Sat June 15 2019 9:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Frascati programme associate artists
For two weeks Frascati theatre will be the home of associate artists William Kentridge and Faustin Linyekula. Alongside performances by themselves and artists who inspire them, there will be a lot of work from their studios.