An island where corruption is rife, no project ever gets off the ground and the only company still in business is an abattoir producing bull’s testicles, a delicacy for the happy few. Escape is no option; ticket prices are astronomical. In many ways, these bizarre situations in Circo Ambulante remind one of the current climate in Russia. For director Andrei Moguchiy these kinds of absurdities are part of everyday life. Together with Maxim Isaev he has created an unyielding world compelling the main characters to undertake some extraordinary deeds. Circo Ambulante is Moguchiy’s first collaboration with the renowned Theatre of Nations, a public’s favourite at the Holland Festival 2010 with Shukshin’s Stories.
Tue June 25 2013 10:00 PM
Wed June 26 2013 10:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)