Toloki earns his living as a mourner in a large, violent city in South Africa. He is paid to comfort families who have fallen victim to violence, racial hatred and poverty. Toloki – the main character in the novels Ways of Dying (1995) and Cion (2007) by the author Zakes Mda – comes to life in the dance performance Cion; Requiem of Ravel’sBolero by the internationally acclaimed dancer and choreographer Gregory Maqoma. Taking inspiration from Toloki, and with eight dancers from his Vuyani Dance Theatre, Maqoma examines the dark history of his native country. As a preliminary study for Cion, Maqoma made Requiem Request at William Kentridge’s The Centre for the Less Good Idea, which can be seen at Frascati theatre. Maqoma used the Bolero as musical inspiration in this piece.
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Fri June 21 2019 8:30 PM
Sat June 22 2019 8:30 PM
English, Zoeloe
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
In 1995 the South African writer Zakes Mda published his novel Ways of Dying. Mda had already been living in the United States for some time, but his focus was on the violence and large number of deaths