The young Berlin string ensemble Kaleidscop have built themselves a reputation as pioneers on the concert stage. For this performance conducted by André de Ridder, they are joined by special guest guitarist Lee Ranaldo. Ranaldo is the co-founder of noise rock band Sonic Youth and, according to many, one of the best guitar players around. Ranaldo performs a new score of his, playing and singing along with the ensemble, which is divided into smaller solo groups, a form which goes back to the baroque tradition, for example in Charles Avison’s (1685-1757) Concerto grosso nr 3, which is also performed. As well as these two pieces, the ensemble will also perform the uncompromising Light a capella by the Berlin composer Sebastian Claren and the thrilling and alarming Fuel by New York composer Julia Wolf and video artist Bill Morrison.
Fri June 14 2013 10:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (inclusief pauze)