A marathon performance will be staged of a large portion of the LICHT cycle, composed by Karlheinz Stockhausen. Featuring selected highlights from the seven operas – one for each day of the week – it will offer a spectacular overview of Stockhausen's masterpiece. The three parts of aus LICHT can also be visited seperately.
Archangel Michael is the central figure in the first part of aus LICHT, which consists of scenes from DONNERSTAG aus LICHT. This is the shortest and most narrative of the three parts of aus LICHT. It includes MICHAELs JUGEND and MICHAELs REISE UM DIE ERDE – about Michael’s childhood with a mentally-ill mother and a father who cannot cope with life, his life-changing discovery of music and his cosmic journey in search of Eve. Michael, Lucifer and Eve appear in various forms: as singers, dancers and basset-horn, trompet and trombone players. The audience is immersed in a monumental musical universe with the electronic work UNSICHTBARE CHÖRE as the epilogue, played over eight speakers surrounding the audience.
Fri May 31 2019 7:30 PM
Tue June 4 2019 7:30 PM
Sat June 8 2019 7:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (inclusief 2 pauzes en elektronische compositie)
aus LICHT is a selection of key sections of Karlheinz Stockhausen's LICHTcycle. From the whole work's 29 hours of music, the production will comprise 15 hours performed over three days,