Gardening workshop & learning about the power of herbs
Gardening is healthy and invigorating. Flowers and plants need energy, while also giving energy. You can experience this as an urban dweller as well.
Bloei & Groei is an organisation that uses city gardens to bring women together who wish to strengthen themselves, their environment or neighbourhood. The workshops are relaxed, instructive and one of a kind. They offer guidance to urban festival visitors who wish to cultivate green fingers but don’t quite know where to start.
In the workshop Moestuinieren op je balkon, you will learn about growing vegetables and herbs yourself. as well as In the workshops Tinctuur maken and Inheemse kruidenkunst herbal medicine and plant wisdom from other cultures will be discussed, and you will learn how to incorporate that into traditional herbal drinks, ointments or tincture.
Allow yourself to be inspired by the album Mother Nature from associate artist Angelique Kidjo: ‘I want to have people think about their connection to Mother Nature, and how dear this Earth is to us. Without nature, we don’t exist - it nurtures us, it nourishes us, and it does that with absolutely no judgement. And even though nature is under attack from our industries, she’s still always so generous.’
This programme is part of the overarching programme Manifesto for the living in a time of extinction.
Sat June 11 2022 2:30 PM
Fri June 17 2022 2:30 PM
Sat June 18 2022 10:00 AM
Sat June 18 2022 2:30 PM
- default € 15
Duration of performance unknown
Four workshops will be offered with three different topics:
Moestuinieren op je balkon (Vegetable gardening on your balcony) 11 June 2:30 - 5:00 pm / 18 June 2:30 - 5:00 pm
Ann Doherty instructor at the Bloei & Groei Academy and coordinator at CityPlot will teach two workshops in vegetable gardening on your balcony, where you will get a solid foundation to be able to start growing your own vegetables and herbs.
Tinctuur maken (Making tincture) 17 June van 2:30 - 5:00 pm
Marsha Peters of Labelless Botanics will bring an array of dried herbs and teach a tincture making workshop. What is it? How does it work? And what do you use it for?
Inheemse kruidenkunst (Indigenous herbal art) 18 June 10.00 am - 12.30 pm
Maabena Owusu of Asaase Aduro will give a workshop on making (and tasting!) the traditional herbal drink Sobolo and we will get to work making a traditional ointment.