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Lynette Wallworth and Anohni along with camera person Pete Brundle and sound recordist Liam Egan travelled to Parnngurr community about 1000 kilometres north-east of Australia’s most isolated capital city, Perth. Here they worked alongside Martu artists Kumpaya Girgirba, Yikartu Bumba, Karnu (Nancy Taylor), Ngamaru Bidu, Janice Yuwali Nixon, RR (Reena Rogers), Thelma Judson and Nola Taylor as the women painted over 10 days creating a massive collaborative painting, Yarrkalpa (Hunting Ground). The resulting video-installation captures this unique, cross-cultural exchange.

Always walking country was initially a video-installation: using time-lapse photography Lynette Wallworth filmed the creation of the painting, over 10 days and the immersive multi-screen result shows the painters, disappearing and reappearing as they co-create the landscape growing across the canvas, held between images of their daily lives and time passing. For HF – Digital Wallworth provide a special VOD version of the installation.