The women of Troy are victims of war. After their men and sons were massacred by the victors, the women were shipped to Greece as slaves. Over two thousand years ago, Euripides wrote Trojan Women, a fierce denunciation of the horrors of war. The National Theatre of Korea from Seoul and the Singaporean director Ong Keng Sen adapted this Greek tragedy into a contemporary Korean opera, featuring both pansori (traditional Korean musical storytelling), composed by Ahn Sook-sun, one of the greatest pansori masters of our time, and contemporary music, composed by Jung Jae-il, K-pop (Korean pop music) producer and composer. The pansori singers’ voices and expressive acting are phenomenal, expressing more poignantly than ever the bleak fate of the Trojan women.
Fri June 8 2018 8:30 PM
Sat June 9 2018 8:30 PM
Sun June 10 2018 3:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
A tragic fate awaits the women of Troy after their city is conquered by the Greeks. The victors plan to take the women back to Greece as slaves. Queens and princesses are subjected to profound