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idea Dirk Opstaele text Dirk Opstaele direction Dirk Opstaele music Luc Brewaeys musical direction Jan Rispens costumes Afra Waldhör light design Hugo Moens, Marc Vandermeulen musical coaching Judith Vindevogel, Dirk Baert, Charles van Tassel, Craig Weston sound engineer tape Jo Tavernier set construction Marino Basso / De Muur dramaturgy Christof Grootaers technique Marc Vandermeulen production Lukas Pairon mezzo soprano Rebecca De Pont Devies tenor Philip Curtis bariton Charles van Tassel soprano Judith Vindevogel coproduction Holland Festival, Walpurgis (Antwerpen), I'Hippodrome de Douai, Brighton Festival, Limelight (Kortrijk), De Munt / La Monnaie with the support of Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Provincie West-Vlaanderen, Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Omroepproducties