Copyright information:Noor Ch'ree
An epic, ecological tale for our age, in which myths, rituals and music from five different civilizations meet. We see our own age through the eyes of ancient goddesses: river goddess Tiamat cries at the bottom of the Euphrates’ dry riverbed, earth goddess Ine Aya’ gets lost in burning palm oil forests, and sea goddess Olokun curses the oil polluting her holy waters.
Ring of Our Time is performed by an ensemble with traditional and classical instruments, such as ud, saz, organ, clarinet, sape, and kaldi. Percussion plays an important role in the piece, with percussiontraditions from Iraq, Indonesia, West Africa, and Mexico forming the musical backbone.
The opera was created by World Opera Lab, led by Miranda Lakerveld (Utrecht, 1976), who previously appeared at the Holland Festival with Turan Dokht (2019) and Ine Aya’ (2021). World Opera Lab creates intercultural opera performances on global themes. Ring of Our Time is the result of four years of artistic exchanges on cultural heritage and the global use of natural resources, involving artists from four continents, including the Balaan Tumaan ensemble and composer Yadi Nursalim Anugerah from Kalimantan, Maya theatermakers Soco Loeza Flores and Lucero Flores, dancers Kehinde and Taiye Yeri (Slaytwins) and Joan Otitoyomi from Lagos, percussionist Hussen Al-Harbi from Baghdad, and singer Elaf Mohamed Saeed from Basra. The teams come together for the first time at the Holland Festival.
On 23 June, the performance of Ring Of Our Time is a try-out performance.
Mon June 23 7:30 PM
Tue June 24 8:30 PM
Wed June 25 8:30 PM
- default from € 27
- CJP/student/scholar € 15
1 hour 45 minutes
a catwalk will be placed in the auditorium, so the grade distribution may be different from what you are used to.