Few artists dare to look so ruthlessly for the common denominator of beauty and pain as Derrick Ryan Claude Mitchell. In this intense new production by his theatre group Saint Genet, he mixes dance, music, visual arts and extreme performance. Performers experiment with accepted acts of transgression and radical acts of care, examining what is left when all has been lost. Promised Ends: The Slow Arrow of Sorrow and Madness is an opera-performance illuminated by an installation of dozens of fluorescent lights by Ben Zamora, inspired by Jean-Luc Godard and Akira Kurosawa’s King Lear films, and the horrific American legend of the Donner party. It is a ritual of guilt and penance. Programme
Sat June 10 2017 10:30 PM
Sun June 11 2017 10:30 PM
Mon June 12 2017 10:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown
The work of Derrick Ryan Claude Mitchell is related to the Theatre of Cruelty of Antonin Artauld. Artauld emphasised that what happens on stage is not about performance but about spectacle. Mitchell leads the observer through a surreal world with beautiful but bloodcurdling images.