Oikospiel Book I is an award-winning dog opera in the form of a computer game. It tells the absurdist story of a pack of dogs who are hired to convert the novel Tristram Shandy into a computer opera, but run into all kinds of problems. The experimental game was created by the American composer David Kanaga, known for his interactive scores for computer games. Oikospiel Book II: Heat Cantata is a live theatrical sequel to Book I. Live gameplay on a big screen is augmented with music by the Amsterdam ensemble Maze, soprano Claron McFadden and baritone Mattijs van Woerd. In Oikospiel Kanaga blurs the boundaries between video games and musical theatre. Oikospiel Book II: Heat Cantata, along with Dear Esther, is one of two works exploring live video games as music theatre.
Sun June 24 2018 3:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Is it a computer game? Is it an opera? Both. It’s Oikospiel, a dog opera in the form of a computer game, devised and created by the American composer and games developer David Kanaga,