Metamorphoses, Book I (2017) is George Crumb’s long-awaited new work for amplified piano. He is the Holland Festival’s composer in focus this year. Crumb wrote this composition specifically for pianist Margaret Leng Tan. He once called her ‘a sorceress of the piano’ because she is so thoroughly familiar with the unusual sound palette and playing techniques he requires. Tan caused a furore with her virtuoso performance of Crumb’s famous Makrokosmos cycle, and worked for a long time with John Cage, whose The Perilous Night is on the programme too. There are also compositions by one of the founders of the American experimental tradition, Henry Cowell, some of which are played entirely without using the piano keys. Programme
Fri June 9 2017 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (inclusief een pauze)
Henry Cowell, John Cage and George Crumb are regarded as visionary innovators of the piano, using a range of experimental playing styles, so-called extended techniques. Although their pioneering work now belongs to the classical avant-garde and their